Tuesday 11 April 2017

Advantages of Stress

In small doses, stress can have many advantages

It can be a vital warning system, providing alertness and productiveness.

When the brain picks up some sort of stress, it starts pushing the body with chemicals e.g. norepinephrine, epinephrine and cortisol.

Monday 10 April 2017

Wedding Stress? DONT worry..

Since iam also on the verge of getting married I never knew the stress that came with it, of course this isn’t a bad thing but heres some ways to manage it:

Involve you family make sure your partner participates with you in all activities to get your big day planned ahead of time, the more people you have to support you the less stressful it will be on you.

Create a detailed schedule stick to it no matter what and try to get everything planned and done two weeks before the wedding. Instead of worrying about deliveries and other planning arrangements I will rather take the time to relax with the woman I love and appreciate the journey we are on and the future which awaits us.

Abit Stressed

Defeating the exam stress

Each and every one of us who aims to achieve high goals will experience some degree of stress its inevitable. Always remember that stress is there for a reason you can make a choice it can either make you or break you. Focus on the positive end goal and you will start feeling that relieve.

Most of the reasons for heightened anxiety is the following:
  • ·         Pressures from peers
  • ·         Expectations from others
  • ·         The lack of proper planning and prep work
  • ·         Your motivational and energy levels are low

Don’t hit that mid study wall, stop, think and choose the path that will overcome this boundary.

I normally do the following this calms me down and relaxes my brain, listen to relaxing music or go and get some fresh air outside, meditation works wonders, a proven fact is that dark chocolate actually reduces stress so there is your reason to start indulging J
Go for an extreme training session to let it all out and break free from your routines.

Stay Positive

Dealing with stress and staying positive:

1.Spend more time focusing on the solution i would say 80% of the time
The other 20% you can think of the problem but also how to overcome it in future.
2. Set clear focus ares for each day
Work makes you strong but resting ensures peace of mind and reenergizes you. Always keep a balance.
3. Tackle a task don’t make a huge deal out of something small
This will make your life easier, and also less stressful. Don’t create the extra drama you will will feel the difference.
4.Do one thing at a time
This will ensure you don’t feel overwhelmed, the quality of work being done will also increase dramatically.
5.Release yourself over weekends try to keep you smartphone off for at least 5 hours
Find your balance I promise you not constantly looking at a screen every 3minutes relaxes you.
6.Always, and I state it once again ALWAYS do the things you love
Even if its time spend at the gym or even a walk in the park. What I normally do is I take myself and my significant other on a spa day nothing gets you more relaxed than getting all those stress lumbs out.
7.When you need you need to be somewhere be there atleast 15minutes earlier
This turned my stressful trips into my relaxing time on the road.